Knowledge Base

CLicks and Games Curriculum

Our curriculum is made up of two modules, Puppy Fundations and Adolescents Life Skills. The focus is on shaping as a tool to teach behaviors. In the process, your dog will learn to communicate with you and figure out what you want in a fun and interactive way.

Puppy Fundations

Theory: Behavior science, Management issues

Practical: Charging the clicker/Clicker mechanics, Sit, Socialization demonstrations, wearing a leash


Practical: 1.Name game, 2.Look, 3.Touch

Wait at boundary, Shape a new behavior: Hold a toy/ push a ball

teenage life skills

Leave it/Take it + Touch a target

Duration: 1.5h

Loose leash walking: 1. Leash pressure, 2. Name recall at end of leash, 3. Reward placement, 4. Look at me, 5. Look at that

Duration: 1h

Loose leash walking with go sniff + Look at that + Awards presentation

Is air gun a good way to correct behaviors?
Aggressive dogs
Introducing a second dog into the family
Preparing for a baby
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